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Sacred Cows
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      Exciting Debut!

Title: Sacred Cows

Author: Karen E. Olson

Publisher: Mysterious Press (September 2005)

Genre: Fiction/Mystery

ISBN: 0892960221

Hardcover: 290 pages



Rating: Highly Recommended


October 20, 2005


Annie Seymour, a spunky female police reporter is woken in the wee hours of the morning by a phone call. Her boss, Marty, urges the feisty reporter out of bed and hurry down to the scene to get the scoop on a girl’s dead body that has been found in the road in front of University Towers. Annie arrives at the scene ready to grill everyone for what information she can, including from Tom, a police detective she's sleeping with.


The quick-witted reporter learns that not only did the victim, Melissa Peabody, take a dive from a balcony of University Towers, but she was also a Yale student, not good news for the school or its prestigious image. Annie also uncovers that Melissa led a secret life, as an escort girl.


Annie smells a big story brewing as the school battens down the hatches. Her only problems for the moment are a colleague Dick Whitfield who is shadowing every move and she manipulates into doing some of her legwork, Tom who withholds information and a stalker.


Despite inconveniences Annie manages to uncover a corruption network, links to important members of the city that may even involve her own attorney mother. When yet another Yale student-turned-escort turns up dead.


Sacred Cows, is fast paced and exciting. Its strong plot, often times hilarious dialogue and colorful characters will keep readers involved and aching to solve the mystery!


Reviewed by Betsie

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