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Missing Pieces
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  Step into the world of Foster care.

Title: Missing Pieces: A Woman's Search For Her Birth Family
Author: Sherry Cochran
Published by: KiwE Publishing, Ltd.
(April 2004)

Genre: Autobiography
ISBN: 1-931195-09-9
Pages: 175pp


Rating: Recommended


October 21, 2004

11 year old Cheryl is in a world virtually alone. Taken away from her loving family after they fell on hard times was shuffled through the foster care system to abusive adults who were suppose to protect and nurture her. This caused Cheryl to grow up feeling broken, misunderstood, and distrustful of adults.

In later years of Cheryl life she is driven to chemical dependency and depression and attempted suicide.

It is with the help of FINALLY being with positive foster parents Sarah and Don; she begins to see her own self worth and what she can do to turn her life around.

Going through counseling and meeting others like herself, she understands she must relive those painful memories and put the pieces of the bad dream (her-life) together.

She begins to search for her birth family and to search for her self as well. She finds strength and courage she didn't know she possessed.

This story makes you want to collect all the broken children in the world and provide a save heaven. 

The author Sherry Cochran grew up through the foster system with abusive and neglectful parents and faced these same feelings of loveless ness and loneliness with a hidden and unknown hearing disability.

Sherry allows you to step into the shoes of a young and trustful child and experience the heartache, disappointments, and abuse. It is only when you return to your safe everyday existence you become horrified and shocked of what some people are capable of doing to a child, some may even be your next door neighbor, teacher, or even a family member.

Sherry Has provided a list of agencies in this book to help children report abuse and neglect, runaways, and search organizations to help with finding their birth parents.

I hope all the foster care parents read this book so they can understand and pickup the messages these lost and lonely souls are sending out. They must intercede and help them get on the right track.


  Reviewed by Demetria Harris

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