In the News and More
INSTANT KARMA -- John Lennon got
in some hot holy water when he once proclaimed that
his one-time garage band had grown "bigger than
Jesus." Now, nearly 40 years after Lennon's infamous
sound bite, it seems that Jesus-to- recording-industry-
icon comparisons have devalued greatly.
Failed "American Idol" contestant William Hung has
parlayed what should have been only 15- minutes of
out-of-tune fame into instant celebrity status that put
him in the No. 26 spot - with a bullet - on the Lycos 50
for the week ending Feb. 20. While that does not make
Hung "bigger" than a major Jesus-related story
circulating among the searchers last week - the debate
surrounding Mel Gibson's controversial film "The Passion
of the Christ" - it does put Hung within striking
distance. Searches related to the film ranked No. 10 for
the week, up from No. 37 the previous week. Still, that
put the Jesus film behind such search perennials as (in
this order from No. 1) Paris Hilton, Janet Jackson, Anna
Kournikova, Britney Spears, KaZaA, Neopets, Pamela
Anderson and Brooke Burke. Despite all the hype
surrounding Gibson's film, it's clear what online
searchers are really passionate about. And it doesn't
seem to be religion, or music either.
Univision Reports Sharply Higher
Sales Riding the momentum of a rapidly
expanding audience and strength in adults 18-34,
Spanish-language broadcaster Univision
Communications Inc. reported sharply higher revenues
and profits in the fourth quarter.
The Los Angeles-based media company's most
recognized property is the Univision Network and it's
owned and affiliated TV stations from in Hispanic
centers around the United States. But it also owns two
other TV networks, TeleFutura and Galavision, along
with the 68 stations of Univision Radio, a record division
and Univision Online. Univision reaches 98 percent of
U.S. Hispanic households and has by far the leading
market share of U.S. Hispanic viewing.
Some of the revenue - $76.2 million - came from its
radio unit, the former Hispanic Broadcasting, which was
acquired near the end of the third quarter.
SMUT --, the racy parody of
Google, says while Google's legal team is challenging its
right to use the Booble trademark, it's simply not going
to play tit-for-tort, er, make that tit-for- tat. "We
stand by our response to Google's demands three
weeks ago," said Booble's first-name-only founder
Bob. "The law recognizes that intelligent people can
disagree on what's funny." Apparently, the naughty
search engine believes parody is the best defense
against trademark parity, and has taken the joust one
step further by launching, a Web
site devoted to Google's legal challenge of Booble's
trademark. "Goliath wants to bind our boobs," proclaims
the page, which asks users to vote whether they
are "amused" by Booble's allusion, or "confused" by its
likeness to Google. The site also posts a sub-link that
should help raise Booble's legal defense fund. Users are
encouraged to show their support by purchasing Booble
trademarked t-shirts, coffee mugs and thongs.
SPACES -- One can never say that HGTV isn't
creative when sending out press releases. To promote
its latest show "Designed to Sell," launching March 28,
what did we get in the mail but a board game. A board
game resembling our favorite game growing up, "Clue."
In the series, real estate experts and interior designers
on how simple, inexpensive changes can boost their
home's economic value give homeowners advice. The
game is no different. Complete with game pieces and
cards, the player either chooses to be the host or the
designer featured in the TV show. The object is to
reach the end of the game first, along with making
minimal repairs along the way. "Replace that '70's
wallpaper with a fresh, neutral color coat of paint."
On Eve Of Kids TV Upfront, Advertising To
Children Comes Under New Attacks--
Marketers in two major advertising categories - food
and tobacco - were challenged in two separate
developments Tuesday related to their advertising to
children. In one effort, the Henry J. Kaiser Family
Foundation released a report summarizing a series of
well-regarded research studies on the impact that
media - including television advertising - have on the
eating habits of children and childhood obesity. The
main focus of that allegation was a just-released study
from the American Psychological Association, which said
children under the age of eight are not able to make
cognitive judgments concerning advertising claims of
any kind and therefore are being unduly influenced by
food marketers, now the largest children's television
advertising category.
The report comes just as marketers and kids TV
programmers prepare for 2004-05 kids upfront TV
negotiations, and the increased sensitivity could cast a
new light on deal-making - especially if food marketers
opt to cutback on their kids advertising outlays.
Separately, a federal judge Tuesday ruled that the
Justice Department could proceed with a $289 billion
lawsuit against the tobacco industry, which charges
that tobacco marketers such as Philip Morris, R.J.
Reynolds Tobacco, and Brown & Williamson intentionally
targeted their advertising and marketing efforts at
underage consumers. The suit cites such advertising
campaigns as Camel cigarette's Joe Camel.
CARD -- Where's Robin? If you're among
who are wondering where Universal McCann chief Robin
Kent is these days, you're not alone. Kent has gone
MIA, but it has nothing to do with his job - only his
work visa. It seems the Brit's U.S. visa has expired, and
Kent, who normally commands UM's worldwide
operations from its Manhattan headquarters, will be
operating remotely from the agency's U.K. base until he
can get an audience with American immigration officials
to clear matters up. "We've gotten used to things like
this happening, because we have a lot of international
employees here," says UM spokeswoman Erica
Wren. "Especially now, the immigration officials are
getting particularly picky about things."
Ad-Free Internet? -- Just when you
thought the online advertising sector was picking up
(and it is), there's a radical proposal advanced. This,
from Yahoo! CEO Terry Semel, who proposed that one
day (perhaps soon), Yahoo!'s subscription-only services
could be ad-free. Semel, speaking yesterday at a
Commonwealth Club event in Santa Clara, Calif., said
ad-free services on Yahoo! are being contemplated but
offered few details.
The Passion of the Christ
5 out of 5 points
This is a story of unparalleled substance told with
unprecedented style. Perhaps the most powerful-and
violent-depiction of Christ's final earthly hours ever put
to film,
The movie's prevailing tone is one of respect and
adoration. It's not excessively preachy, yet it never
downplays the eternal significance of his identity and
There's no denying the bloody violence is often
excruciating to watch. Although its because Gibson
isn't shy about showing the physical abuse much the
way it is described in Scripture, but also because it
happened not to a man, not to a revered historical
figure, but to our Lord and Savior.
The Passion of the Christ is arguably the most
controversial Bible movie in years. A number of religious
leaders have enthusiastically endorsed it; others
condemn it as a tool to promote anti-Semitic violence
and revisionist history.
Gibson has created more than a respectful biography,
though. There's a vivid spiritual dimension here. The
anthropomorphic portrayal of Satan as a player in these
events brilliantly pulls the proceedings into the
supernatural realm-a fact that should have quelled the
much-publicized cries of anti-Semitism since it shows a
diabolical force at work beyond any political and
religious agendas of the Jews and Romans.
Confessions of a Teenage Drama
Rating: 3 out of 5 points
Mary Cep (she prefers to be called Lola) thinks her life
is over when her family moves from the hustle and
bustle of New York City to a laid-back suburb in New
Jersey (a place she refers to as a "new planet"). She
really thinks it's over when she finds out her favorite
rock group is disbanding.
Although Lola has a bit of a wild side, she doesn't
usually take things to extremes. There is no alcohol
use, no drugs, no nudity, no sexual inappropriateness.
She genuinely cares for her mother and father (who are
divorced) and is not afraid to compliment and hug her
mother. (She does, however, shirk her parents' rules
whenever she feels the need to.)
It's disappointing that Lola's biggest goals in life are so
small (she wants to be popular and she wants to be a
famous actress). It would have been nice if she had,
had the realization that there's a lot more to life than
living for what others think.
Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen would seem
more at home on the Disney channel than on the big
screen-it's strictly after-school special material.
Welcome to Mooseport
Rating: 4 out of 5 points
Handy Harrison runs the local hardware store in tiny
Mooseport, Maine. His long-time girlfriend, Sally, is a
strong-willed veterinarian waiting impatiently for him to
propose. The couple and their tranquil townsfolk get a
jolt of pomp and circumstance when a popular American
President retires full-time to a summer home in their
Hackman is one of the premiere actors of his
generation. He proves it again as the former U.S.
President who can be despicable one minute and noble
the next without it seeming like a huge contradiction.
Surrounding him are Harden as his trusted advisor and
moral conscience, the elegantly shrewish Baranski as
his greedy ex-wife, and Torn as a conniving campaign
manager. Once again, Tierney (Liar Liar) is good as the
frustrated love interest loathe to put up with her
leading man's immature shenanigans. Even Fred Savage
is fun to watch as the presidential aide punished like a
child for bearing bad news.
Is Welcome to Mooseport brilliant cinema? No. But it's a
comely comedy that campaigns hard for personal
integrity. By today's PG-13 standards, families could do
a lot worse. Had it reined in the profanity and sexual
intimations-and eliminated the streaker altogether-it
could have earned a PG and a recommendation.
Against the Ropes
Rating: 3 out 5 points
Having grown up around boxing, Jackie Kallen knows a
jab from a hook from an uppercut. And she knows
knockout talent when she sees it. But knowledge can
take a woman only so far in a boys-club industry. So
she resigns herself-for awhile-to secretarial duties for
a sexist and demeaning man.
When on a whim, a top boxing agent offers her the
contract of a fighter for a dollar, she accepts. But her
new charge turns out to be a drug addict!
Boxing is violent. Hence, movies about boxing are
violent. Included here are not just the punches above
and below the belt, but swollen eyes, and bloody noses
and mouths (their depiction isn't excessively violent or
This is Jackie Kallen's story, inspired by her real life. It
contains all the expected clichés of a boxing movie,
albeit without the sense of style that often
characterizes the best entries into the genre. The film
also suffers from a split personality syndrome. How
accurate it is, is anybody's guess. Meg Ryan's Jackie
comes across as a schmoozing self-promoter who has a
problem with modesty and boundaries (until she makes
a sacrificial decision near the movie's close-a clear
case of too little, too late). Omar Epps' Luther has only
one thing going for him-he knows how to box. Outside
of that, he's just a hothead with a checkered past and
a sexually involved present. A few limp lessons in
selflessness and female empowerment don't make up for
Broken Lizard's Club Dread
Starring: Bill Paxton, Jay Chandrasekhar, Kevin
Heffernan, Steve Lemme, Paul Soter, Erik Stolhanske,
Tony Amendola, Julio Bekhor, Brittany Ann Daniel, M.C.
Gainey, Jordan Ladd, Samm Levine, Elena Lyons, Daniel
Montgomery, Lindsay Price, Tanja Reichert
From the guys who brought you "Super
Troopers"...Broken Lizard is back, surrounded by limber,
wanton women on a booze-soaked island resort owned
by Coconut Pete (Bill Paxton), a rock star has-been.
But the non-stop party takes a turn for the weird when
dead bodies start turning up faster than you could drink
a rum punch. Everyone begins to look suspicious. Could
it be Sam (Stolhanske) of the Fun Police brigade, who
is quick on the trigger with his tequila loaded super-
soaker; Jenny (Daniel), the over-sexed, fitness
instructor; Juan (Lemme), the flamboyant diving
instructor with a secret third-world past; Putman
(Chandrasekhar), the bratty-British tennis
coach/fanatic; Dave (Soter), the ecstasy-crazed,
adopted nephew of Coconut Pete; or the burly
masseuse (Heffernan) blessed with a creepy 'touch'
that can render anyone into instant Jell-O? Can the
inhabitants of Pleasure Island unite, solve the mystery
and restore happy hour to this tropical bacchanal?
Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights
Starring: Mika Boorem, Polly Cusumano, Patrick
Swayze, Sela Ward, Romola Garai, Diego Luna, January
Jones, René Lavan, Jonathan Jackson
Set against the decadent glamour and escalating
danger of revolution-eve Cuba, "Dirty Dancing: Havana
Nights" re-imagines the 1987 film phenomenon from an
exciting new perspective. "Dirty Dancing: Havana
Nights" tells a timeless story of a young woman's
discovery of love, sensuality and independence - but
with a sizzling style and rhythm all its own. Based on
producer/choreographer JoAnn Jansen's real life
experiences as an American teenager in Cuba, "Dirty
Dancing: Havana Nights" plunges us into world of bright
color, vibrant sound and intense emotion.
Starring: Ashley Judd, Samuel L Jackson, Andy Garcia,
David Strathairn, D.W. Moffett, Mark Pellegrino, Russell
Newly-promoted police detective Jessica Shepard
(Judd) is after a serial killer with a penchant for
murdering men she has recently dated. But things get
even more complicated when Jessica begins blacking
out right before each murder, leading her partner, Mike
Delmarco (Garcia), and the police commissioner
(Jackson), to believe she is the prime suspect.
Good Bye Lenin! (NY, LA)
Starring: Daniel Brühl, Katrin Saß, Maria Simon, Chulpan
Khamatova, Florian Lukas, Alexander Beyer, Burghart
Klaußner, Michael Gwisdek
October, 1989 was a bad time to fall into a coma if you
lived in East Germany - and this is precisely what
happes to Alex's proudly mother. Alex has a big problem
on his hands when she suddenly awakens eight months
later. Her heart is so weak that any shock might kill
her. And what could be more shocking than the fall of
the Berlin Wall and the triumph of capitalism in her
beloved East Germany? To save his mother, Alex
transforms the family apartment into an island of the
past, a kind of socialist-era museum where his mother
is lovingly duped into believing that nothing has
changed. What begins as a little white lie turns into a
major scam as Alex's sister and selected neighbors are
recruited to maintain the elaborate ruse - and keep her
believing that Lenin really did win after all!
Based on the true story of the greatest long-distance
horse race ever run, "Hidalgo" is an epic action-
adventure and one man's journey of personal
redemption. Held yearly for centuries, the Ocean of
Fire - a 3,000 mile survival race across the Arabian
Desert - was a challenge restricted to the finest
Arabian horses ever bred, the purest and noblest lines,
owned by the greatest royal families.
Starsky and Hutch
In "Starsky & Hutch," the origins of the charismatic
crime-fighting duo David Starsky and Ken "Hutch"
Hutchinson are explored when these undercover Bay
City detectives are partnered for their very first
assignment. Ben Stiller plays the tightly wound
Detective David Starsky who is thrown together with
Owen Wilson's easygoing Detective Ken Hutchinson on
a high-stakes case. Platinum-selling rapper and actor
Snoop Dogg plays their savvy street informant Huggy
Bear. Vince Vaughn also joins the cast as Reese
Feldman, a smooth-talking entrepreneur with an eye
towards the future.
The Reckoning (limited)
In 14th Century England, this powerful tale of
redemption follows a fugitive priest (Bettany) who falls
in with a troupe of travelling actors (led by Dafoe). As
they arrive in a small town, the actors encounter a
woman being sentenced to death for witchcraft and
murder. Discarding the expected bible stories, the
actors stage a performance based on the crime.
Through the performance of the play, they discover
that the townspeople know the woman did not, in fact,
commit the murder. The stage becomes a place where
vital human truth is told.
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Thank You for reading, see you next week!
Greetings Friends!
I was awakened this afternoon by my friend Kenny who
had graciously picked up my mail. A new batch of books
to read ^_^ he was surprised I was still in bed. Its
due to the recent late nights of working on the site,
writing articles and sifting through new promotional
Well as many have learned - we've added much
information to our web site. Any additions will be
posted in our newsletter for our subcribers to take
advantage first.
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Recipes and Jokes | | 
Horchata de Almendra
Real Horchata from Valencia is made with Chufa (Tiger
Nut). Unfortuantely, Chufa is not available (that I know
of) in America.
A suitable substitute for the Chufas are Almonds, which
give the Horchata the same texture and similiar taste.
Horchata is not a dairy product and contains little fat,
so it is often refered to as "the drink of the gods" for
it's rich but lowfat flavor.
1/2 kilo (1 pound) Almonds
1/2 kilo (1 pound) Sugar
1 Lemon
1 Cinnamon Stick
1 Pinch of Salt
2.5 liters Water (warm)
* The first step is to remove the skins from the
almonds. The best way to do this is to simply buy them
already skinless. If none are available, you will have to
boil the skins off. Put the almonds in a pot of boiling
water and let sit until the skins become very soft. With
time, the skins will dissolve or slide off easily when
stirred. Boiling the almonds is a pain. It is much easier
to just buy them without skins.
* Crush or otherwise pulverise the almonds into a
coarse powder. If you boiled your almonds to get the
skins off, then smash them (or put them in a strong
blender while adding some water) into a mush.
* In a large bowl/container add the 2.5 liters of
water with a pinch of salt. Slice and add the lemon.
* Now mix in the almond powder (or mush). Cover
the container and let it sit at room temperature for 2
* When the two hours are up, add the sugar and
cinnamon stick. Stir until sugar is completely dissovled.
* Strain the liquid with a fine cloth. This removes all
of the larger particles of almond. Strain until texture is
smooth (twice should do it).
* Enjoy!
Keep the drink in your fridge and it will stay good for at
least five days.
For a truly divine experience, put some in your freezer
until it is an icey slush!
The Birthday Present
It was the second grade teacher's birthday. So every
child in the class was giving her a special gift.
Anna's mother owned a flower shop, so Anna gave the
teacher some beautiful flowers.
Robert's parents owned a candy shop. Robert gave the
teacher a wonderful box of assorted candies.
Then it was little Johnny's turn. Johnny's dad owned a
liquor store! So Johnny brought a big box for his
When little Johnny handed the box to his teacher, she
noticed that the bottom of the box was wet. So she
put her finger on it and tasted.
"Is it wine?" the teacher asked.
"No, it's not wine!" Johnny replied.
She tasted it again. "Hmmmmmm. Is it some sort of
"Nope, it's not liquor!" said Johnny.
She tasted it again and was puzzled. "Well, Johnny, I
give up. What is it?"
Johnny was excited, and said with a big smile. "It's a
| |
Book Reviews | | Title: The Motivator
Author: Tim Moore
Publisher: Wasteland Press (September 2003)
ISBN: 097443681X
Genre: Self Help
Paperback; 143pp
Rating: Highly Recommended
February 22, 2004
Guaranteed Instant Motivation!
Have you ever read a book that made you stop and
think? I just did. And how many of you have applied the
positive thinking and mind power theories in your life
only to be frustrated. I know I have, and more than
Personally, I've encountered many people who admit
they want to change, but are still controlled by a
negative mindset: The type that traps a person right
where they are, even if they are begging to make
change. The difficulty most people have is in "how to"
control their thoughts and beliefs to influence their
subconscious minds.
The Motivator is a great little book. Not only will it raise
your self-esteem and motivate, but change your
mindset, your outlook, and your life!
Moore brings together real-life examples from business,
as well as historical leaders, including his own
techniques through a series of short essays. In a step-
by-step process, readers will learn how to apply some
of these concepts into their current lifestyle so easily,
no one will even know. Readers will also learn how to
draw on inner creativity, develop self-leadership, set
goals, take risks, and sell ideas.
Making sure our goals are properly aligned with our
passions only makes sense.
Whether you are self-employed, an employee, parent,
student or business leader - by the time you finish
reading The Motivator, you'll have a vision of a new and
better you with a fulfilling future in all other areas of
your life. Either way, if you want instant motivation, I
highly recommend you read this book.
Reviewed by Betsie
To read the interview or purchase your very own copy
Title: After the Fall
Author: Monica Y. Russell
Publisher: Publish America; (November 2003)
ISBN: 1413705863
Genre: Horror
Paperback: 134pp
Price: $19.95
Rating: Highly Recommended
February 21, 2004
Horror at its deepest level, unleashed from within.
Read the words, visualize the scene and be scared!
When I read the back cover of After the Fall, as I do
every time I begin reading a book, I was immediately
drawn into the plot. I had the pleasure of reading an
excerpt back in July 2003 and I thought that I knew
where the story was going. I visualized this to be a
story about love lost and obsession. I assumed that the
plot would unfold to reveal a horrific scene brought on
by jealously or mistrust. However, by the thirteenth
page, I discovered that I was wrong.
This book goes deeper than any simple obsession.
Jayce Paul, the main character, needs her ex-boyfriend
King Brown in many ways. He was the one that kept
her grounded. He was the only one that she wanted in
her life. He was the only one that could pull her back
from the demons that were obsessed with Jayce
literally. Jayce Paul had many demons that struggled to
keep her within their realm and those demons had
grown tired of King Brown and his constant heroics.
Therefore, as he pulled her back from their grasp, they
sent more demons to punish him for his interference.
Through vivid description the author explains the
chaos, the pain and the blood that is spilled in this
power struggle. If you visualize this as if watching a
horror movie, you will be scared as surprises wait in the
shadows and leap out at every corner. Monica Russell
has just begun to tell the stories that play out in her
mind and roam the plains of her dark side. I am
confident that with each and every book that follows,
she will continue to live out her dream of giving you
Reviewed by: Tyrone Banks
To purchase a copy click here
Title: Revolve
Publisher: Nelson Bibles (July 2003)
ISBN: 0718003586
Genre: Inspirational
Reading level: Young Adult
Paperback; 384pp
Rating: Highly Recommended
February 22, 2004
A Magazine that raises Awareness!
Revolve is a powerfully inspiring magazine. I chose to
review this magazine with the understanding that its
target audience was teen girls. However, I discovered
that not only does it thoroughly discuss issues, which
concern teen girls, but also crosses cultural boundaries.
Revolve provides data on world issues, community
services, family problems, it teaches self-reflection and
ultimately helps to center life around God.
This refreshing magazine accomplishes all of the above
in brilliant format. Each book of the New Testament is
divided into sections and questionnaires that when
answered truthfully, reveal characteristics about one
self and relationships. Uplifting suggestions for change
are also provided.
Revolve has caused self-improvement in this reviewer.
Reawakening my spirituality, to focus on doing
something to help others, by donating time to
clothe/feed the hungry and help the elderly. Moreover
it has inspired me to reflect on my relationship with
God, and how and what I must do to fulfill God's
purpose for me.
Like the Bible itself, the Books of the New Testament in
Revolve are like Daily Bread for the Spirit. Revolve is a
great teaching tool for not only teens girls, but women
as well.
I plan to use Revolve as a consortium. Much like the
blank pages provided in the magazine for reflection.
Reviewing this magazine has left me with blank areas
waiting to be filled spiritually. I look forward to the next
magazine, and pray that I use Revolve, as wisely as it
has been written.
Reviewed by Juanita Reynolds
To purchase a copy click here
Title: Fractured
Author: Ryan Mayers
Publisher: PublishAmerica; (October 2003)
ISBN: 1413703097
Genre: Mystery
Paperback: 122pp
Rating: Highly Recommended
February 23, 2004
Storyland run amok!
When I agreed to review this book, I assumed
something else, but what I read was absolutely brilliant.
In author Ryan Mayers first literary work, John Monroe
is a detective in Breco and Humpty Dumpty's partner.
For the Kingdom corruption becomes much more, and
what erupts goes beyond what anyone expects. During
their investigation of a cannibalistic pig (Mr. Waddles),
Dumpty is murdered (pushed off a bridge).
Monroe determined to find Dumpty's killer follows a
perilous trail of conspiracy that leads him to a plot to
murder the king.
Ryan Mayers brings a new perspective to fairy tales of
old. In a twisted form familiar storybook characters are
depicted in modern daylight - such as prostitutes, serial
killers, thugs, etc. Crime is widespread within Breco.
Fractured is witty, and well written. Mayers has done
an excellent job of combining these tales with
contemporary life.
This is an intriguingly dark colored novel sprinkled with a
dash of comedy, and an ending guaranteed to astonish!
Fractured is a sure to entertain. This is one book this
reviewer would love to see on the big screen.
**This book is absolutely not for children!
Reviewed by Betsie
To read the interview or purchase your copy click
| |
For Aspiring Writers | |
Publishing Priorities
If you were to ask 10 people what the most important
thing about writing a book was, you'd probably get 10
very similar answers. Most people would say that the
book would have to we really good - well researched
and written. Would you agree?
Unfortunately, that isn't the most important thing about
publishing a great book - it's not even close. Of course
your book should be well written, but if your intention is
to write a book that will sell, the first thing you've
absolutely got to do is determine who would want to
buy your book. You can write a fantastic book about
the skills, strengths and abilities of hybrid worker ants
in Venezuela, but the question is, would there be
enough of an audience to make it worth your effort?
I realize there are people who aren't interested in the
commercial potential of a book - they simply want to
write. And that's fine. But we're not talking to them in
this message.
If you're going to go to the trouble and expense of
writing and publishing a book, you'd better be certain
that there are people interested in buying and reading
it. And you actually need to sit down and put a pencil
to paper coming up with an extensive list of possible
reader/buyers. Why is this so important?
Even if you plan to write on a topic with wide appeal,
understanding your typical reader will not only help you
to write directly to him or her, but it will also help you
in the eventual marketing of your book. Consider these
* Does your title appeal to a business or social group?
Is it possible that such a group would be in the market
for several hundred (or thousand) copies?
* Might you be able to include a deep-pockets
company or expert of some kind who would buy massive
quantities of your book and distribute them to their
customers or associates? For example, if you were
writing about holistic healing, might it be wise to
mention your favorite supplier of nutritional supplements
or another related product? The goal might be to have
the company endorse or even give your book away as a
premium or promotional item.
* Would your book appeal to financial club members,
home and garden types, computer enthusiasts, gourmet
cooks, parents of pre-school children-- The list can go
on. Each of these niche groups can be marketed to in
special and unique ways. When you sit down to decide
who your market really is, you open up TONS of
possibilities you wouldn't have thought of otherwise.
FACT: More than 40 percent of total yearly book sales
in the US and Canada are through vendors other than
Does your book fit one of these alternative possibilities?
*Sales to government
*Sales to social or church groups
*Premium sales to business or industry
*Sales to schools or educational groups
*Sales to sports enthusiasts
If your title doesn't appeal to one of these or hundreds
of other categories, might it be wise to see that it
somehow does? You decide.
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One of the industry's hottest companies is looking for
the next great, undiscovered film. Like all great
architecture, screenplays require vision, mechanical
understanding, and skillful execution. If you think your
script is the best-undiscovered film out there, you may
have a chance to win huge prizes - including an option
with one of the hottest production companies in
The potential is limitless - if you are ready to write for
Hollywood, you need to enter this contest. This one is
just too important to skip! - visit --
2) Sterling Entertainment
I am looking for a completed contemporary, urban-
themed dance film, with a strong love story that is
scripted for young, sexy lead actors (male and
female). Examples of such films would be 'Save The
Last Dance', 'You Got Served' or even 'Dirty Dancing'.
Budget range will not exceed $15 million.
Sterling Entertainment is an independent production
company run by Blake Thomas. Blake has worked in the
entertainment industry for over 10 years, and has
established strong relationships with the studios and
Please email a logline followed by a synopsis to:
Blake Thomas -------
3) Footsteps Productions Company
I am looking for completed script that clearly FEATURE
a mature woman (50-60) as the lead or as a MAJOR
character. I am producing as a means of showcasing
my talent as an actress. I want my role (the lead or a
key role), to be complex, having many layers and colors
to show the depth of character I am capable of
I prefer character driven stories. I want a script that
does not contain foul language, cursing, graphic
violence, graphic sex, or raunchy situations. This will
likely be a low budget production.
The story should have simple location requirements,
minimal special effects, smaller cast size, etc. The
writer must be thinking like a producer as well as a
writer, since budgetary issues are key as to what I will
be able to choose to produce and still maintain high
production values for a quality product.
I want the story to contain an uplifting, positive,
message, leaving the audience with hope. This is not
to say the film should be Pollyanna or there cannot be
difficult issues addressed. I believe people always have
choices, even if they are terribly difficult ones, and
there are always consequences to the choices people
make, good or bad. But I never want to leave the
audience without hope.
Some classic examples that randomly come to
mind: 'Places in the Heart', 'Driving Miss Daisy', 'Steel
Magnolias', and a little more recently 'Central
Station', 'Chocolat', etc. There are plenty of movies
featuring mature male leads/major characters that are
written this way, and some for younger female leads. I
want to make films like this for mature female leads.
It can be a comedy or drama, feature length. If the
piece can act as a MOW/backdoor pilot for a TV series,
I would consider that as well. The budget for this will
not exceed 1 million.
I recently produced the short 'Doria,' which is now
being sent to the festivals and has already screened in
one festival and WON at another festival here is Los
Angeles. In addition to having a background in
producing stage plays and public events, in the last few
years in Los Angeles I have had lead or supporting roles
in the following stage plays, each of which were 'Picks
of the Week.' They are: 'As it is in Heaven,' 'The
Seagull,' 'For Sentimental Reasons,' 'To Have and To
Hold,' and 'The Long Christmas Dinner.' I've also
appeared on ER, 7th Heaven, Unsolved Mysteries, The
Others, The Tonight Show, Red Dragon, Intolerable
Cruelty, and Topanga.
If you have anything that you think fits my criteria, I
would be happy to read a log line/one sheet synopsis of
it. Please email your logline and synopsis to Barbara
Kerr Condon at:
4) Romano Productions
I am looking for a broad (able to communicate to a
large audience) comedy about meter maids (parking
enforcement personnel)
Budget range is 5-7mil.
Credits include 'Only in Venice' and 'You Never Know' for
Paramount. More info can be found on
Please email a logline followed with a synopsis to
Mario Romano at:
** Once you are certain the listing is legit, submit
material through an attorney or agent. Never, never,
never send your complete script to anyone over the
net. A half page synopsis is all that should be expected
via email, the requestor should supply full postal details
for anything more. Unless you intend to make more
money from the potential lawsuit than selling your
script, make sure your script is registered with the
AWG/wga-west or east. Best of luck!
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For Authors | |
Deep into the darkness peering, long I stood there,
wondering, fearing,
Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to
dream before.
Edgar Allan Poe
You wake up screaming!
Your spouse calms you down; reassuring you it was
just another nightmare.
Even as you settle back and start drifting into slumber
again, you wonder why the only dreams you have
nowadays are bad ones.
What happened to your once fertile imagination that
was able to conjure exciting, almost always enjoyable
dreams; pleasurable mental movies you could play
against the screen of your inner eyelids day or night,
awake or asleep?
The problem so many of us face in daily life is one of
encroaching walls; figurative rock faces that creep
toward us inexorably, leaving us with less and less room
to maneuver.
If you remember the trash compressor scene in Star
Wars where Han Solo, Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker
are trapped, we'll be on the same wavelength!
When we were younger, it seemed our imaginations
allowed us to roam the world, making it our stage or
better yet our playground.
But we allowed ourselves to grow up - and not always
in the right way. Many of us have lost the ability to
dream big, great dreams that fuel mental excursions.
And that's tragic, because those exciting journeys
within our skulls are the only things that permit us to
grow beyond the normal confines of our too often drab
Thankfully, none of us has totally lost that ability to
dream and imagine. I can prove it!
When you're stuck behind a desk that seems to have
grown shackles that attach themselves to your ankles
and wrists, don't you readily dream of a better place, a
better way of life?
The problem is those dreams tend not to last too long.
Someone or something is always crashing into our
reality, bringing us back to earth with a rather hard
But if we want to lay claim to a life that is bigger than
the one we now live, we must recapture that long-lost
childhood facility to dream good dreams for sustained
You see, being able to see beyond things as they are
now, through rosy mists of future probability and then
perceiving them as they might be, is the common
denominator of life's big winners.
If they can do it, so can you, because all of humanity
shares that God-given endowment. As Stephen Covey
puts it, "In addition to self-awareness, we have
imagination - the ability to create in our minds beyond
our present reality."
If you use your ability to imagine properly, it will expand
into one of the most potent time management tools at
your disposal - your capacity to idealize and dream of a
better future.
Of course, we all know people who do nothing but
dream. I'm not asking you to become such an airhead.
I'm saying you need to give yourself permission to look
beyond perhaps the grey, drab walls of your existence
and ask yourself if this is the rich, abundant life God
created you for.
Most people would have to say NO.
That would be a great first step.
The second is to grant you permission to daydream
actively for short spells at a time - even if it is only for
30 seconds while stuck in a traffic jam. (Of course, if
you commute to work using public transport, you have
even more time at your disposal.)
So, get a dedicated little notebook and jot down
whatever comes to mind during these brief, but
precious mental excursions.
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Marketing | |
Authors are faced with a giant challenge. We have to
change the book buying habits of the public.
So, how do you lure potential customers to your
website business?
I've tried many types to see what works and what
doesn't. While there are countless ways to get visitors
to your site, most include more time and effort than I
want to devote myself to, and the yield was
disappointingly low.
Here's some best advertising methods I've found so far
Purchased traffic for affordable, mannerly advertising
on the web.
Book review sites. This is always great exposure and
it's free. Got a bad review? Post it! Yes, that's right. A
long list of glowing reviews doesn't necessarily sell a
book. Controversy sells even more. How rich is Monica
Lewinsky now?
Links. Most authors have a links page. I've had many a
visitor come from other author sites that I'm a link on.
It's free, so I'm always happy whenever someone offers
to link my website.
Banners on major websites. This is most effective, and
expensive way to advertise. Putting your banner on a
busy site like Yahoo costs thousands a month, far more
than the average author can afford. Visit Yahoo some
time and price it. Bring a box of tissues so you'll be
prepared when you start quietly weeping.
Use the free press releases and announcements in
newspapers to market yourself and your publisher.
Announce any new releases, yes - even other author's
books at your publisher. The more people you can lure
into the bookstore, the higher your chances are of
making sales, right? Especially when people shop on line
for the first time and have a positive experience, they
tell their friends, and their friends tell their friends.
Word of Mouth advertising has been one of the best
marketing staples for hundreds of years, too.
'They' say, or it's an old marketing adage, a person
must see an ad 7 times before they remember the
product. So get those 7 times in where ever you can in
your community. Take out a small block ad in a
newspaper or magazine for your publisher, or a short
classified just so people will see the URL's. Encourage
your relatives in other states to send your
announcement to their local papers. It costs a stamp.
That's almost next to free advertising.
**Advertising is a highly competitive business and I
don't rule out any marketing as useless. Whatever gets
website exposure is worth investigating.
"If I can't figure it out in three sentences, I throw it
away," - a veteran editor who throws away a lot of
press releases said.
The above quote is so true it's almost disturbing. If you
can't get the point across quickly, your press release is
dead meat.
*The first rule of trashcan avoidance is don't send
trash. That is why it is worth taking the time to do a
good job.
*Don't bury the recipients in a paper blizzard. Use
releases only when you have something worth taking an
editor's time. There is no quota to be met. An editor
who receives too many releases with too little news
value soon learns to ignore everything that comes from
the same source. News organizations are trying to
interest an audience. If your release will help them do
that, they will use it. If it won't, trash it yourself.
*Honor the role -- include a title in every address. In
general, use the following titles to address your
releases, unless you know a particular organization uses
a different title that would serve better:
Daily newspapers: City Editor
Weekly newspaper: Editor
Shoppers: Editor
Magazines: Editor
Radio Stations: News Department
Television Stations: News Director
*Almost every state has a few newspapers that are
circulated over much of the state and that have small
bureaus outside of their base city. If such a bureau is
near you, put it on the mailing list. Address the releases
to "Bureau Chief" (even if it is a one-person bureau).
Don't try to save postage by putting more than one
release in the same envelope either. Since different
stories are likely to be assigned to different reporters,
this may cause one release to be ignored. If you use e-
mail, the same principle applies: send separate releases
How can I make my Web site stand out and be
People tend to remember the first and the last item
that they see in a sequence better than the content
they see in the middle. From a Web standpoint that
means consumers will be more likely to remember the
first and last page they visit on your site than any of
the other intervening pages. So, if you want customers
to remember your site, and come back, make your
home page fun, interesting and memorable.
Engaging in jingles and slogans may be useful means of
inducing recall. This might be challenging in a Web
context, but the increasing use of sound makes its use
increasingly possible. Think about how McDonalds got
us to remember all the things that they have on their
Big Mac: "Two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce,
cheese, pickles, etc. The information that is re-
circulated when it goes through the same pipe again
and again. In the same way, information is re-circulated
through your short-term memory when you encounter it
again and again. Re-circulation explains why repetition
affects memory.
A long-standing finding in psychology is that people
remember things better when they are represented as
pictures. Picture memory decays less rapidly than
memory for words. So use pictures wherever you can.
But more importantly, try to say important things using
both pictures and words. This is called "dual coding,"
and gives consumers two ways to remember. Being in a
good mood generally helps us remember things, so if
you can make your site fun and interesting that will
affect people's mood.
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Quantum Barbarian
An open forum for writers to advertise their books.
"Some books are so good and meaningful that you read
them again and again. Primarily because you know the
substance and content is so important that you need
to be reminded of what it has to say. As A Man
Thinketh, by James Allen is just such a book."
CNNfn's "Dolan's Unscripted"
* The Dolans, a husband and wife team who are known
to millions of radio listeners, have a new TV show which
brings a mix of free- wheeling dialogue and viewer call-
in. The show presents "pocket-book" issues, which are
pegged to the news, and issues of the day. The show
features a selection of guests who present a
provocative look at today's financial markets, in order
to help viewers in their saving plans for the present and
the future. Mia Haugen serves as the show's executive
producer. CNNfn is reached at Five Penn Plaza, New
York, NY 10001, (212) 714-7800.
Their two-hour daily radio show is syndicated to over
200 radio stations nationwide, and is produced by Roy
Fredriks, who can be reached at WOR-AM, (212) 642-
Cigar Aficionado Magazine
* Cigar Aficionado, the bi-monthly upscale magazine for
cigar lovers, is not only interested in cigar smokers,
they are also interested the entertainment, gambling,
and leisure industry, and the latest in news about
deluxe resorts. Also of interest is news of the wine
industry, and sports vehicles, and active sporting
equipment. Keep them informed about new fashion
trends and name designers, and other information on
technology, luxury accessories, and collectibles. Gordon
Mott is their executive editor. Cigar Aficionado is at 387
Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10016, (212) 684-
4224; Fax: (212) 684-5424;
Figure Magazine
* Figure is the newest addition to the group of fashion
magazines for plus sized women. Figure differs from the
competition in its unswerving dedication to showcasing
women who are truly full- figured, not just by the
standards of the fashion industry. Their models will
never be less than size 14 or 16. Figure is published by
Brinsights, with the contacts either Geri Brin or
Elizabeth James. They are reached at (212) 706-2346;
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