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Interview with Katlyn Stewart To start this off, why don't you
give an idea of what the book is about? "Even though
the abuse ends...The Nightmares still echo".... Nightmares Echo is about child sexual abuse, the courage that it takes to survive through it and
the repercussions that take place long after the damage is done. It also is a book about hope and changing your life for the
Where did you grow up and was
reading and writing a part of your life? I am a native Floridian and have written in some form or another, mostly poetry by the time I was
Who were your earliest influences
and why? I have always been a Jackie Collins fan-with her books I could escape into the world of her heroine, she would take me in that deeply. The other great author is Maya Angelou-her work is a self-portrait, honest and clear and always a lesson to be learned.
What would a typical day be like
for a writer? No matter what else a writer does, everyday is filled with pieces of a book they want to write. When they set out to write that book days may turn into weeks with long hours in between. In my case, I get up and do the regular Mommy stuff then head for the computer. I work until lunch take a break, go to work at an outside job and then back home to do the nightly dinner thing... and then back to my computer.
How long have you been writing
and in what capacities? I started writing when I was about 9 yrs old. Mostly Poetry. Prior to that time I would "see" the work but to young to write it down. When I was in my early teens I turned to writing Romance "manuscripts", and it wasn't until I was 40 that I penned Nightmares Echo-my Non-Fiction.
Which is more difficult to write
- Fiction or nonfiction and why? For me I have
to say it is Non-Fiction. In fiction I can play make believe in my mind and on paper. I love doing that. Creating characters,
plots... But, In Non-Fiction, that is your heart and soul. Each detail is what is within you...you want the reader to feel
your feelings, see what you see. Though that is true in Fiction as well, it seems a lot closer to the soul with Non-Fiction.
Has there ever been a time when
you wanted to throw in the towel and give up? And if so, how did you defeat those instincts? Oh yes, many times. Many times I told myself I would never be good enough to be an author. But yet the passion to write was greater. So, for years I wrote and then filed my work away in a drawer. When Nightmares Echo came along, my husband urged me to get the work out there and noticed. I finally gained up enough courage to throw caution to the wind and thrust it out there for people to read.
What is the hardest part about
being a writer? In my case,
not believing I would ever be good enough to consider calling myself an author. The other would be being hard on yourself,
typing and re-typing because you just know the piece isn't good enough yet.
Do you have any hobbies? What
are they? How do they enhance your writing? Riding motorcycles. There is something so free about being on a bike. Seeing the beauty of the roadway and the landscape. I fit pieces of that into my Romance Manuscripts. I also love animals, and we have many varieties on our little piece of the world. Articles and media alike make it sound
as though the only way to rise to the top is to sacrifice. What do you find to be good sacrifices? Time... I
sacrifice time spent with family or taking care of other projects that need me to take care of, so that I can write.
What question do you get asked
more than any other? "What does
it feel like to be an author"? My answer always is- I don't feel any differently then anyone else does. I don't look any differently then anyone else. To me, writing is a gift I was given no differently then the Artist,The Minister,or the construction worker that can build a house from scratch. Whats the coolest thing a reader
has said to you? The coolest
thing was a letter I received regarding my book. I have the letter posted on my site it is so special to me. I don't have
enough space to tell you everything it said. But the passage that touched me the most was "You are an angel sent from heaven,
Thank you". I can tell you I cried through the whole letter.
What has been your feedback from
readers? What do they say to you about their interpretations of your book? I have been absolutely amazed at the wonderful response I have received from the readers. To date I haven't received one "bad" piece regarding my book from Readers or Reviewers. That in itself amazes me. I am so proud of the feedback I put each one on my web site to honor the person that sent it. I am also in awe of how my book has touched so many readers lives. I just never expected that I guess. Do you think that as a writer
you are more prone to watching what goes on around you and observing behaviors than most people are? Oh Yes, we are always building a character from the people we meet. I watch eye movements; I like to see reactions to things. Who are some of the authors you
consider to be "don't miss"? Anything Maya Angelou. Jackie Collins!! David Pelzer...now that is a man with courage. If one were looking to start his/her
own career as a writer, what would you suggest his/her first step to be? Believe in yourself is Number one priority. Take all the Creative Writing Courses and English Lit classes. Learn how to do research...building time lines over and over till you have it as you want it. Then let your heart open up and tell your story. You can go back and clean it up later.
What kind of movies do you enjoy? I love anything with John Travolta in it. So I guess I am into action/adventure and Romance. Whats the strangest question youve
ever been asked in an interview? This one <laughing. No seriously, I have been asked alot of questions but nothing really comes to mind. Whats the best part of being a
writer? The best part is when a reader reads your material and then tells you it is awesome and that they want to share what they have read with friends and co-workers. The other is being able to talk to the readers about the book. What's next? Fire In The Ice... My Romance Novel is with the Publisher now, so I am waiting, sitting on pins and needles hoping they except my main genre, my favorite genre.
Betsie's Literary Page would like to thank Ms. Stewart
for her time and wish her all the best.