Anyone who has ever entered a casino will find this book a terrific resource. The author explains
in layman terms how a slot machine works, dispelling myths. Fate is your best friend when you play a slot machine because
there is nothing except mathematical probability when you hit the spin button. Luck has nothing to do with winning or losing
at a slot machine, you just have to be in the right place at the right time.
An enjoyable read with many humorous anecdotes that many of us will be able to relate to. Highly
informative: in providing payout tables of various machines that are seen in many casinos today. There is also a state listing
by casino that shows how each casino pays by denomination of slot machine. It not only teaches, but also provides detailed
tips to improve the player's chances of winning when playing slot machines.
This reviewer recently went to a casino and tried
some of the hints from the book. Although I did not come out a winner, I limited my losses to $40.00 for 4 hours of playing
time. Pretty good!! I really enjoyed this book and would recommend it for anyone who will be visiting a casino in the near
future. For those who gamble and those who do not but are curious and want to learn. Enjoy!