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Insurgents against fate!

Title: Keaen
Author: Till Noever

Publisher: EDGE Science Fiction and Fantasy Publications (August 2004)

Genre: Fantasy

ISBN: 1894063082

Paperback: 358 pages



Rating: Highly Recommended


June 30, 2005


Siblings Armist and Tahlia are children of Hain, ruler of Keaen. Bound by an ancient Covenant Armist and Tahlia threaten the stability of a nation by escaping their predestined lives. A chase for the siblings ensues and one that will lead them across two kingdoms, throwing them into a path of total chaos.


They will soon find themselves facing numerous dangers, including a fight for their very freedom and existence. Unexpectedly, the siblings receiving help from Pandrak the magice-at-court, and Caitlan the weaponsmaster.


Keaen is an enticing read with action around every corner moving along briskly. Till Noever’s writing style is descriptive, provoking, and electrifying. Readers will not be bored or bombarded with excessive back-story like in so many books. The author does well at divulging what and when as needed only. It is quite visible that this author has carefully designed this fantastical tale without having sacrificed adventure.


Keaen is a genuine medieval-like society, and a richly described world that will leave readers searching for its location.


I thoroughly enjoyed reading Mr. Noever’s work and certainly look forward to more!


Reviewed by Betsie

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