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When Two Souls Connect
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         A practical guide to living with or without your Soul Mate

Title: When Two Souls Connect: A practical guide to living with or without your Soul Mate

Author(s): Steve Gunn & Johnette Duff

Publisher: Kick the Fish Publishing

Genre: Relationships

E-Book: 110 pages



Rating: Highly Recommended!


An essential and thorough guide to dealing with love and relationships.


November 15, 2004


The following was taken from Chapter 1 of When Two Souls Connect: Soul Shock:


“If you’ve met someone who’s changed you forever…

If you love someone so much you realize you just weren’t alive before them…

If you’ve met someone who’s awakened you to the unbelievable beauty of existence…

If you’ve met someone who is more you than even you are…

If you miss someone so much you can’t even conceive of existing without them…

If you’ve lost someone and it feels like your soul left with them…


Then read on…”


These powerful, poetic words summarize the lessons in love and loss that you will discover in reading this publication.  It is so easy to speak of love and everyone professes to be adept at the emotions and feelings involved with this powerful state of being.  One can feel that there is no more to learn of this topic and dismiss this work as documentation that justifies the feelings and emotions that they already know. 


However, we must ponder and discuss two issues. Why do we fall in love and what do we do when the love of our life is gone? In playing devil’s advocate, another school of thought must be introduced. Can anyone and everyone self-qualify themselves as the ultimate resource in matters of the heart?  Perhaps…but when you read this E-Book, you will see that there is so much more to this emotion. Steve Gunn and Johnette Duff have written this guide combining medical documentation with actual real-life cases that highlight and define the points that they make. They have not taken a short cut or offered one half of the knowledge that they have collectively acquired – they have given this topic the scrutiny and attention to detail that I personally have never before read.


Both authors have experienced the reality of this multi-facetted phenomenon. Steve Gunn is a psychic healer and is aware of the hurt that people feel and the source of that discomfort. Healing the psyche can prove to be more difficult than healing and obvious cut, bruise or laceration – the scars caused by a Soul-Mate or potential Soul-mate’s separation from the patient may never heal. Gunn identifies the root cause of failed or lost relationships and uses this knowledge as a tool to heal or at least begin the process.


Johnette Duff is an attorney and a nationally published author who has experienced first hand the reality of being torn away from her Soul-Mate. She has also suffered emotional setbacks and tragedies that those weaker than she would have surely succumbed to. Instead of giving up hope and being victimized by this harsh side of reality – she will share with you the results of her research. She has searched her heart and the hearts of others and contributed information that will aid in the healing process. Collectively, they offer us advice, insight, theories and first-hand experiences that can help the reader as they experience some or all of the cases discussed.


The chapters are broken up in a manner in which the case studies and actual experiences of the subjects exist in their own space. Some of the cases start off in a fashion that will lead the reader to believe that the couples will fail or succeed in their efforts. As we revisit those same subjects many chapters later, we find out that we were right or very, very wrong. Just like the love and relationships that they speak of, these experiences embody the spontaneity of this emotion and the peaks and downfalls that will surely occur.


What each reader learns or gains from this book will be unique. There are so many ideas and facts presented. As you read; When Two Souls Connect: A practical guide to living with or without your Soul Mate, there are many ideals that will accumulate in your thought process. Those ideals, when categorized and organized in a manner that you may benefit from, plot a logical course to emulate as you look for your Soul-Mate or try to cope with the absence of that Soul-Mate. There is so much more that you can gain as you embark on that personal journey that is just as unique as the person taking the journey.


There’s something for everyone in this E-book and I recommend that you review this work. If you have questions that can be answered by your own heart, this book will lead you in the correct direction.



Reviewed by Tyrone Vincent Banks


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Author Steve Gunn