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The Prophesied End-time
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 An eye opening interpretation of the Bible.

Title: The Prophesied End-time
Author: Ronald Weinland

Publisher: The-End.Com, Inc (September 2004)

Genre: Religion & Spirituality

ISBN: 0975324004

Hardcover: 288 pages


Rating: Highly Recommended


October 20, 2004


As I began the process of reading this book, I opened the cover slowly knowing that it was not a work of fiction.  I’ve read Revelations several times, however only focusing on the parts that I thought I would understand and fearful of the other parts.  Ronald Weinland described this section of the bible in great detail and explained how current events move us towards the Apocalypse on a daily basis.  I became more and more aware of how mankind has defied God with the senseless murders and other acts of violence that have jumped off of the movie screen and onto the evening news or various websites.


I don’t want to believe that our time on earth will come to an end soon.  Oftentimes I try to keep those thought out of my head – unsuccessfully.  This book gave meaning to those thoughts but now I await the signs of the “end time.” Weinland has stated that we were given 6,000 years of self-rule and God’s kingdom will replace the “kingdom of man.”  He also stated that to date, only one being has entered heaven, and that being is Christ.  Weinland also mentioned that there will be an imminent power shift from the nation that is perceived as the most powerful.  Now, keep in mind, these items were developed within the first few pages and then developed – in laymen’s terms – throughout the book.


Many people will be skeptical and refuse to believe that these events will occur.  Weinland has prefaced his words with the basis for his findings (the bible) and the religious standpoint that he views these events from.  In the end, the decision is yours and you must try to do what must be done to prepare for these events that have been prophesied, Weinland is offering advice and a course to follow.


I respect the author’s religious views and applaud him for placing his name and reputation on the line to bring these difficult facts to our attention.  If we can unify as a planet and try to get within the good grace of God, by whatever name he takes in our hearts, maybe there’s a chance.  I’d like to believe this but in the meantime we will have to watch and hope.  As I look at the world today and the course that it’s taking, I pray that there is a resolution and a brotherhood of all humanity.  If you say the Lord’s Prayer, say the words slowly and digest each and every word, especially the following:


Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven…


“The Prophesied End-time” has opened a hidden door in my soul and as I step inside, I am beginning to grasp at what will become of the world if we continue this course.  As every book should, it will mean something different for each and every reader – this review is merely what I’ve taken from this book. You, on the other hand, may gain so much more by reading these pages as well.


Reviewed by: Tyrone Vincent Banks

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