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Why are We Here? The Scientific answer to this age-old question
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   ” A Book For Everyone.”

Title: Why are We Here? The Scientific answer to this age-old question 
Author: Dennis Marcellino
Publisher: Lighthouse Publishing (September 1996)
Genre: Non-fiction

ISBN: 0945272103
Paperback: 296pp
Price: $14.50

Rating: Recommended


Oct. 4, 2004


“Why are We Here?” is a book for everyone. Have you ever wondered what Christians actually believe? Now, you can find out without having to ask anyone. Dennis Marcellino has written a well-organized account of why we are here.


Marcellino, who has a wide range of education, has written an organized account with out being overly scientific or overly pushy with his personal beliefs. Interestingly enough, it is his musical abilities that you would most likely know him for, having belonged to the Tokens who had the hit, “The Lion Sleeps Tonight.”


I highly recommend “WHY WE ARE HERE?” to Christians and “Non-Christians” alike will gain information here. Christians will have an organized account of what they believe and why. Others will have an account of what Christians believe and why.

Reviewed by Deven Vasko

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