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An Interview with CJ Lewis
Betsie: To start this off, why don't you give an idea of what the book is about? The book can be about a lot of things; it depends on
the reader and what they are looking for. The storyline takes us on a journey
with Edward Forrest, a young man of 12 who is being raised in meager circumstances.
He finds ways to escape from his harsh existence and to cope with being unloved by his surrogate family. When he becomes abandoned, he embarks on a hunt for treasure that takes him far from his home in the Common
World where he finds a new home at the Academy of the Oracle. He and his classmates
are faced with an evil tht lurks just outside the Academy walls. Edward walks
on the very brink of destruction. He must deal with peer pressure, making wrong
choices and discovering how to recover from those choices. Within the walls of
The Great Labyrinth, he finds his treasure and answers to his most heartfelt questions. Betsie:
Where did you grow up and was reading and writing a part of your life? I grew up in California and Washington
State. We moved often when I was a child—I’m not sure exactly why. I attended 11 different schools by the time I graduated. Since we only had one TV and my father was usually watching it, I spent most of my time in my room reading. When I didn’t have any more library books to read, I would open the encyclopedia
and just start reading about people and places. I guess I was the proverbial
bookworm! Betsie: Who were your earliest
influences and why? I can’t really pinpoint any particular
writer that I wanted to emulate. I suppose that is because I never considered
myself a writer and it was not something I aspired to be when I grew up. I enjoyed
reading all the Beverly Cleary books when I was in elementary school. By the
time I was in high school, I fell in love with classic English literature. It
was so romantic! Betsie: What would a typical day be like for a writer? I envy most writers who have a schedule of writing each
day. However, I have a three-year-old and can only write when he is sleeping! Most of my day is devoted to my two children, keeping up with the household chores,
and writing and promoting when I can. There are many nights I have creative inspiration
and quickly write the ideas down on a spiral notebook on my nightstand. Betsie: How long have you been writing and in what capacities? I always liked to write stories (thankfully most of
them went into the trash!) Some of my earliest work was in junior high school
and was published in the end-of-year school publication. I didn’t really
write anything of merit until I began this series two years ago while on a military tour in St Louis, MO. Betsie:
Which is more difficult to write - Fiction or nonfiction and why? I have only
written fiction, which I enjoy very much. I would imagine non-fiction would take
a lot of research before beginning a project. I have little time for that kind
of work up front. With my books, I have some research, but it is not very intense. Betsie: Has there ever been a time when you wanted to throw in the towel and give
up? And if so, how did you defeat those instincts? During the
process of trying to find an agent or find a publisher, it was extremely discouraging.
Especially when I read some articles that indicated agents and publishers rarely even read what you submit to them. At this point, even my husband was telling me it wasn’t worth it. But, I had a story to tell and a message to get out—I had to keep plugging away no matter what. Betsie: What is the hardest part about being a writer? In my case,
I think the hardest part is time management. Raising a young family, writing,
and promoting takes more hours in the day than I have! Betsie:
Do you have any hobbies? What are they? How do they enhance your writing? Before beginning
the book series, I enjoyed pleasure reading, learning the piano, and anything artsy-craftsy.
I still enjoy movies and listening to music. Betsie: Articles and media alike make it sound as though the only way to rise to the top
is to sacrifice. What do you find to be good sacrifices? I think sacrifice
is a part of success because it weeds out the ones who are not committed to their project-whatever it might be. It also provides the kind of life experience that polishes our heart and soul. That’s why I think it is difficult for the very young to write and have their work published. They just haven’t lived enough life yet to be able to write about the sorrows
and joys we gain during the hard times. And finally, I believe overcoming severe challenges helps to mold our character for
the better. Betsie:
What question do you get asked more than any other? “Where
do you get your ideas?” This question comes mostly from students I see
during school visits. Betsie:
What’s the coolest thing a reader has said to you? Although
I have had some wonderful feedback from young people and adults alike, I was most touched by drawings students made for me
at an elementary school. When I saw how my story blossomed into a visual expression
by these children, I was awestruck. That’s when I realized my words were
creating images in their minds. My story was now a part of them. I found that very humbling and it was a tender moment for me. Betsie:
What has been your feedback from readers? What do they say to you about their interpretations of your book? So far, it
has been incredibly positive. Adults and young people alike have been enthusiastic. There has only been one reviewer so far that had something negative to say. It wasn’t that she didn’t like the way it was written, she didn’t like the spiritual
undertone of the storyline. Betsie:
Do you think that as a writer you are more prone to watching what goes on around you and observing behaviors than most people
are? I think as
a writer you have to be an observer. I had some experience in observing during
the years I was painting. As a painter, you have to notice the details, the nuances
and tremendous color palette around you. Also, the writer Lois Lowry made
this observation; writers that she has known have another thing in common, they are constantly narrating their lives as they
happen. I would never have admitted this before, but it’s true. When I visit places or experience situations, I am always “telling” someone about it in my
mind. I always thought I was just talking to myself, but now I know many writers
do this. It’s nice to know I’m not crazy! Betsie:
Who are some of the authors you consider to be "don't miss"? I don’t
have a particular favorite to recommend for leisure/pleasure reading. Sorry! I jump from author to author and book to book.
I don’t devour any particular genre. I usually stay away from mystery,
horror, romance, and science fiction. One of my favorites was called “The
Long Walk.” It is a true story about a man who escaped from a concentration
camp in Siberia and walked across the Himalayas and through the Gobi desert. A
true survivor story! Betsie: If one were looking to start his/her own career as a writer, what would
you suggest his/her first step to be? Keep a journal,
practice writing things down. I keep a small notebook in my purse and have one
by my bed. Whenever an idea comes, write it down—otherwise, you might lose
something of value. Try to write short paragraphs that evoke an emotion in a
reader. Read! Read! Read! Doing
a lot of reading will instill an instinct for writing. Betsie:
What kind of movies do you enjoy? I love stories
about overcoming obstacles. I also enjoy the old movies, musicals, and movies
like The Quiet Man. It all depends on my mood—which varies greatly day
to day! Betsie:
What is your favorite city to visit, but one that you wouldn’t want to live in? I recently
visited Tokyo and surrounding cities. I loved the people and the rich culture
of Japan, but would not want to live there. The crowding, high cost of living,
and humidity (not to mention the difficult language) made it a nice place to just visit. Betsie:
What’s the strangest question you’ve ever been asked in an interview? If the story
of Edward Forrest was true. It’s not—it’s just a fantasy! Betsie:
What’s the best part of being a writer? I didn’t
realize that I would be able to interact with talented artists and creative individuals.
On the second book of the series, I was enchanted by a lullaby I heard on a CD I purchased. I was able to contact the recording artist and receive permission to use the lyrics in my book. I was thrilled to be able to converse with this talented woman. Betsie:
What's next? I plan to have five books
in the Forrest Tales series. I have begun the third installment. I am also putting together a collection of short stories with inspirational themes, and have an adult story
to get down on paper, which is based on a true story. That should keep me busy
for the next couple of years. There is a film company looking at The Secret of
the Labyrinth, and that may involve some of my time as well if it gets negotiated.