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A Continent Adrift
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What would Satan give to save the world?

Title: A Continent Adrift

Author: Vladimir Chernozemsky

ISBN: 1932656006

Publisher: Triumvirate Publications; (February 2004)

Genre: Science Fiction/Adventure

Hardcover: 504 pages

Price: $24.95


Rating: Highly Recommended!


May 19, 2004


Centuries ago an Archangel was caste out of heaven and destined to reside in the flames of hell for all of eternity. Stripped of his wings and taking up residence upon the planet's surface, Satan evolves and reincarnates himself as necessary to survive. For a period of time, he resided in Atlantis, the continent that now exists in a quasi-dimensional state drifting beneath the ocean. He leaves Atlantis and finds himself on the planet Earth. He lives through many historical moments from the tempting of Christ to a position working closely with Adolph Hitler to the search for Osama bin Laden. He fathers many children and is mostly unaware of what they have or will become.


The Earth is now threatened with annihilation caused by a shower of meteoroids that are heading towards the planet. Satan must lead a team into Atlantis, shift its position and therefore cause the position of the Earth to shift as well to avoid destruction. During this journey he questions what he has become and he begins to long for the wings that he lost so many centuries earlier. He professes his love for Christ and what he stood for and begins to accept the fact that he is becoming more "human".  He considers himself to be the one assigned to do God's "dirty work" and realizes that he is a necessary entity.


This book is not only impressive in appearance, it also impressive as a medium to be used to ask the hard questions about the roots of good and evil. It is written in first person and the reader is privy to private emotions and random thoughts that convey the story quite well. Like the author we wonder what Satan's true motivations are. There are so many words written about God and Christ but little written about the origin of Satan and the purpose that he serves.


Could it be that Satan is simply a way to balance and regulate good and evil? Why was he caste out of heaven and does he long to return?  Unfortunately, no one (that I know of) has the true and correct answer but the author spins a rather interesting tale laced with current events and bound by some historical facts and data. You will enjoy this read and your curiosity will lead you to the last page of this tale eager to find out the conclusion.


Reviewed by: by Tyrone Banks




