Title: Albert, the Apple-eating
Appaloosa: Dolch Horse Stories
Author: Betsy B. Lee
Publisher: Learning Abilities
Books (February 2002)
ISBN: 0965885372
Genre: Children's Fiction
Reading level: K-3, special
education 4-8, and adult literacy, ESL
Paperback; 24 pp
Rating: Recommended
March 27, 2004
This is the story about an
appaloosa horse named, Albert. Upon opening Albert seems absolutely terrified of a group of kids who want to ride him, but
his owner, Beth manages to calm him down.
The story also touches
on a number of subjects and situations children face in today's society.
Author Betsy Lee, uses
Dolch words in this small chapter book helping develop word recognition, increasing the ability for children, as well as adults
to read well.
All ages will enjoy
this book, which is illustrated by color photos. Included
are word search puzzles. For lesson plans visit the author's website.
Reviewed by Betsie